Safety Information
Rats or Mice
Click here for safety infoWasps or Bees
Click here for safety infoFleas or other crawling insect
Click here for treatment and safety info Advice to Householders insect Treatment
Insecticide Used: SX CYPERFORCE 10% Cypermethrin W/W
Your property has today been treated with a pesticide for the eradication of fleas.
Once dry this product remains active for a significant period of time (approx 1 month) unless it is disturbed. And so to ensure that the treatment is effective you should not vaccum or mop treated areas for a minimum of 10 days (preferably 14 days). This is to ensure that insects that may hatch, or move into the treatment area are also controlled and none remain following the 14 day period. If insects remain after this period please advise us and we will assess whether an additional treatment is necessary.
You are advised that this insecticide is approved for use in domestic premises, e.g. houses and flats, under the Control of Pesticides Regulations 1986. However, your co-operation is requested in adopting the following precautions to further minimise any risks to occupants and pets.
Under normal circumstances the pesticide should not pose any risk to inhabitants or pets. However, to further minimise any risk to occupant and pets, please take the following precautions.
by residents, visitors and pets until the product is dry (approx 2 hours)
contact a doctor or veterinarian and show this message and link below.
Should you have any further queries or the problem persist after 14 days please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Click here for product safety info
Maxforce Quantum applied directly Click here for product safety info
Maxforce Quantum bait station Click here
Moles, Rabbits or Squirrels
Click here for safety infoTraps are used so no safety concerns aside from traps being accidentally triggered and so access to traps should be prevented by customers so far as is reasonably practicable